Latest NEWS
With such an abundance of talent, there is always something exciting happening at King’s.
Year 3 have been on a brilliant trip to the Roman Museum in Canterbury where we learnt about life in [...]
On Wednesday Reception headed to St Margaret’s Church gardens where we came across a huge Horse Chestnut tree. We searched [...]
Yesterday our first group of Year 7 pupils (7R) embarked on an enlightening walking tour of Rochester Cathedral as part [...]
Starting with a bill of lading listing 197 slaves whose original identity was cruelly expunged by slave-traders, historians in Year [...]
All of our year 7's enjoyed a trip away to the Cobnor Activities Centre near Chichester last week. Pupil’s orienteered, [...]
The whole School community took part in Green Day today. Pupils were invited to wear green to raise awareness [...]
Congratulations to Saha and Tyee K (U5) for their fantastic achievements in tennis. Tyee recently won the Kent County [...]
This morning the pre-preparatory pupils had the opportunity to vote for their House Captains for 2024-2025. This highly sought after [...]
Pre-Prep are delighted to announce the first group of Year 3 Prefects for Michaelmas Term. Congratulations to Rais, Fiona, Amariah, [...]
On Monday we played U13 A and B fixtures against St Edmunds School at the Alps. The C's and D's [...]