Latest NEWS
With such an abundance of talent, there is always something exciting happening at King’s.
24 pupils in the Senior School are heading out to Kenya and Tanzania this summer to visit two school [...]
Year 3 had an exciting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) workshop on Tuesday where we learned about forces, momentum, [...]
As the first part of the summer term unfolded, our talented Year 6 pupils dedicated themselves to an important [...]
Last Friday the Year 4's enjoyed a 'Roman Workshop'. There were many activities which included how the army made the [...]
Prep School pupils had the opportunity to compete in house rowing this week - though not on water. The ergometers [...]
We were delighted to host over 50 children and staff for our annual Year 5 Cricket Partnership event. Boys and [...]
Well done to Storrs who won the junior house tennis tournament at King’s Rochester Sports Centre this week. The [...]
On Wednesday, the Senior Choir and eight pupils from Year 8 visited Emmanuel College to sing evensong. Pupils enjoyed [...]
For 'Field Day' all our Removes and Lower Sixth enjoyed of variety of activities. The CCF visited the Historic Dockyard [...]
On Tuesday Year 3 had a day full of excitement with their second instalment of PickleBall, which they thoroughly [...]