Latest NEWS
With such an abundance of talent, there is always something exciting happening at King’s.
On a glorious Rochester summer evening, the First XI played an Old Roffensians XI on the Paddock in a T20 [...]
This week, Year 6 had the opportunity to take part in a Giant Tetrahedron Construction Challenge, one of the [...]
Mr. Charles joined the fun as Pharaoh and Hugh D (L6) sang the role of Joseph, with drum accompaniment [...]
The House Daisy Chain competition was a lively and enjoyable event, attracting enthusiastic participation from many Prep. School children. [...]
This week the Chess A Team competed against Solefield School. The team comprised two Year 7 players (Emily C [...]
There was an un-bee-lievable buzz of excitement this week as the School took delivery of two beehives that have been [...]
In Prep. School we joined schools across the country to remember D-Day. Flt Lt Caithness read the Poem for [...]
Over Half Term 42 Bronze and five Silver participants took part in the Bronze Assessment and Silver Practice in [...]
The MCC batted first on an easy-paced Paddock wicket and despite some disciplined new ball bowling from Dandeniya and Ford, [...]
Year 2 enjoyed their trip to the Alps as part of the King’s Outdoor Learning Programme led by Major [...]