Latest NEWS
With such an abundance of talent, there is always something exciting happening at King’s.
Last week, Mr Smith spoke to the Senior School on the theme of waiting. To illustrate the importance of [...]
Last week the whole school had a delicious Christmas Dinner. Tables were decorated, Christmas jumpers were donned and the [...]
In the run up to Christmas, the Senior and Prep schools donated toys in their weekly service in support of [...]
We announce that our Principal, Ben Charles, will be stepping down at the end of this academic year to take [...]
We were fortunate to have nine mentors join us for a day to support our business challenge and to [...]
What an amazing few weeks it has been for our Year 5 pupils! They have truly knuckled down and [...]
Reception visited the Nativity at the cathedral on Friday. The children had a lovely time learning about the Nativity [...]
The overall results for the Nickless Prize for General Knowledge 2024 are now in! Christopher H (8W) was one of [...]
The Choristers met the Master of the Mercer’s Livery Company this week when they sang for their Advent Sermon service. [...]
Lower Fifth Computer Science pupils had the opportunity to visit the Centre for Computing History in Cambridge, a pioneering [...]