Meet our TEAM
The Governing Body
Chair of Governors
Air Commodore J. Maas OR, CBE, MSc, RAF (Ret’d)
Mr T. Berner BA (Oxon)
Mrs N. Cagan
Mr M. Chaloner OR
Mr P. Darby, BSc, MRICS
The Revd Canon C. Dench
The Revd Canon Dr G. Giles, PhD, Mlitt, BA Hons, CTM, ARSM
Dr A. Gower, MEd, MBA, MPhil, PhD, PGCE, FHEA
Mrs K. Handel
Mr A. Marlow OR, BSc (Hons), MArch, MSt, RIBA, SCA AABC
Mr M. Mason, BSc
Mrs R. Olley, C.Ed
Mr W. Smith, BA, DipEd
Mrs P. Stewart MSc, BSc, BA, RGN, RM, RHV, BIA
Senior Management Team
Principal of King’s School Rochester and Headmaster of the Senior School
Mr B. P. H. Charles, BA (Hons), PGCE, Universities of Exeter and Durham
Headmistress of the Pre-Preparatory School, Interim Headmistress of the Preparatory School
Mrs K. Crozer, BEd (Hons), QTS, University of Greenwich
Senior Deputy Head of the Senior School
Mr O. M. Smith, MA (Hons), BA (Hons), Robinson College, University of Cambridge
Mr N. A. Ball, BSc (Hons), University of Bath, CIPFA (CCAB)
Safeguarding Team
For any concerns about pupils:
Designated Safeguarding Lead of the Whole School (Interim): Mrs L. A. George
Safeguarding Nominated Governor: Mrs P. Stewart
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Pre-Prep School): Mrs L. Green
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Pre-Prep & Prep School): Mrs K. Crozer
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Senior School): Mr O. M. Smith
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Senior School): Mrs L. Costelloe
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Sixth Form): Mrs S. L. Miles
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Boy Boarders): Dr C. Coetzee
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Girl Boarders): Mrs E. A. Hanson
For any concerns about staff:
Principal of King’s School Rochester: Mr B. P. H. Charles
Senior School
Principal of King’s School Rochester and Headmaster of the Senior School
Mr B. P. H. Charles, BA (Hons), PGCE, Universities of Exeter and Durham
Senior Deputy Head of the Senior School
Mr O. M. Smith, MA (Hons), BA (Hons), Robinson College, University of Cambridge
Deputy Head (Academic) of the Senior School
Miss N. J. Steel, BSc, PGCE, University of Sheffield
Assistant Head (Sixth Form), and Teacher of Religious Studies
Mrs S. L. Miles, MA, BA (Hons), PGCE, University of Kent
Preparatory School
Interim Headmistress of the Preparatory School
Mrs K. Crozer, BEd (Hons), QTS, University of Greenwich
Deputy Head (Academic) of the Preparatory School
Mrs E. Cross, BA (Hons), University of Southampton
Deputy Head (Pastoral) of the Preparatory School and Interim Designated Safeguarding Lead of the Whole School
Mrs L. A. George, BA (Hons), PGCSE, Canterbury Christchurch University
Pre-Preparatory School
Headmistress of the Pre-Preparatory School
Mrs K. Crozer, BEd (Hons), QTS, University of Greenwich
Deputy Head of the Pre-Preparatory School
Mrs L. J. Green, BA (Hons), PGCSE, Universities of Sheffield and Oxford
Whole School (Academic)
Director of Co-Curriculum
Miss H.L. Catlett, BA (Hons), MA, QTS, University College Chichester and Canterbury Christchurch University
Director of Teaching and Learning
Mr P. N. Medhurst, BA, MA, Universities of Warwick and Greenwich
Director of Digital Strategy and Housemaster of School House (Boys Boarding)
Dr C. Coetzee, BA, Unisa; PhD CompSci, University of Abertay Dundee
Whole School (Support)
Development Director
Mr M. G. Snoswell
Commercial Business Director
Mr D. Faries
Director of People
Ms S. Kendall FCIPD, MBA, CMgr MCMI
Academic Staff
Senior School
Head of Geography and Head of Upper School (R/L5/U5)
Miss L. E. Costelloe, BA (Hons), University of London, PGCE
Head of English and Housemistress of Storrs (Senior School)
Mrs E. M. McCarthy, BA (Hons), PGCE, University of Reading
Teacher of English
Miss A. McKeever, BA (Hons), Royal Holloway, University of London
Ms. T Epsom, Ba (Hons), FCCT, University of Birmingham
Head of Maths
Mr P. G. Stevens, BSc (Hons), University of Southampton
Teacher of Maths
Mrs C. Ransom, MA (Hons), Magdalene College, University of Cambridge
Mrs H. Regnier, BSc (Hons), University of Warwick
Teacher of Biology
Miss E. Kennedy, BSc (Hons), University of Greenwich
Mr J. Williams, BSc (Hons), University of Nottingham
Biology Technician
Mr A. Maksimov, BSc (Hons), Queen Mary University of London
Head of Chemistry
Mr C. M. White, BSc (Hons), University of East Anglia, PGCE
Teacher of Chemistry and Housemistress of St Margaret’s House (Girls Boarding)
Mrs E. A. Hanson, BSc, University of St Andrews
Chemistry Technician
Mrs C. Bond
Head of Physics
Mrs E. L. Parren, BSc (Hons), University of Birmingham
Teacher of Physics
Mr J. Jones, BEd, Mico University College
Physics Technician
Mr P. Weaver, BSc (Hons), University of Kent
Head of History, Government and Politics
Dr K. Thomson, PhD, MA (Hons), Universities of St Andrews and Edinburgh
Teacher of History, Government and Politics
Mr P. Kwofie, BA (Hons), PGCE, University of Warwick
Head of French
Mrs A. J. Warne, MA (Hons), University of St Andrews
Teacher of French
Miss C. O’Kelly, Licence Langues, Université Aix-Marseille 1
Coordinator of Spanish
Mrs N. Wiltshire, MA, BA (Hons), PGCE, University of Pau and The Adour Region and University of Lancaster
Teacher of French and Spanish
Mrs E. Brett, BA, PGCE, MA, University of East Anglia
Head of Russian
Mr B. W. Richter, BA, University of Newcastle, PGCE
Head of Economics
Mr C. J. White MSc, BSc, University of York
Head of EPQ and Teacher of Economics
Ms M. McIntyre, BA, MPhil, The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen
Head of Art
Mr A. J. Robson, BA (Hons), Central St Martin’s College, PGCE
Teacher of Art and Design
Mrs R. J. Oliver, BA (Hons), PGCE, University of Kent (KIAD), West Surrey College of Art and Design and Greenwich University
Art Technician
Mr B. Assinder, BA (Hons), Coventry University
Head of Classics and Housemaster of Whiston (Senior School)
Mr C. J. E. Carroll, MA, PGCE, Universities of Swansea and Cambridge
Head of Design Technology
Mr S. J. Johnson, BEd (Hons), Nottingham Trent University
Teacher of Design Technology
Mr B. C. Rivers, BA (Hons), Brunel University
Ms E. Clement-Walker, BA (Hons), MSc, PGCE, Loughborough University
Design & Technology Technician
Mr D. Howrihane
Head of Divinity and Religious Studies
Mrs L. A. Rogers, BA (Hons), University of Brighton
Lead Teacher of Psychology
Mrs I. Coetzee, BA, University of Port Elizabeth
Head of Academic Physical Education
Mrs A. J. Pine, BSc (Hons), University of Loughborough
Preparatory School
Head of Maths and Interim Head of Middle School (Y7/Y8)
Mrs N. J. Heddershaw, BEd, West Sussex Institute of Higher Education
Head of English
Mrs R. Rivers, BA (Hons), Canterbury Christ Church University
Head of Science and Futures
Mr B. Wilton, BSc (Hons), PGCE, University of Greenwich and The Open University
Head of Geography and Head of Religious Studies
Mrs A. Rogala-Katolik, BA (Hons), PGCE, London Metropolitan University
Head of PSHEE and RSE
Mrs S. Walsh, BA (Hons), Canterbury Christ Church University
Head of Digital Learning and Computing
Mrs C. Wright, BSc (Hons), University of Greenwich
Teacher of Science and Maths
Mr O. Mahenga, AIEMA, BSc Ed, MSc, University of Derby, B.Sc. with Education, University of Zambia
Laboratory Technician
Mrs E. Bahia, BSc, University of Kent
Teacher of Classics
Mrs A. Morrice, BA, MPhil, PGCE, University of Cambridge
Junior Subjects Teacher
Mrs M. Marshall, BSc (Hons), University of Southampton
Mrs S. Mates, BA (Hons), Canterbury Christ Church University
Mrs S. Walsh, BA (Hons), Canterbury Christ Church University
Classroom Assistant
Miss S. A. Farris
Pre-Preparatory School
Interim Head of Early Years and Class Teacher
Mrs K. Christopher, BA (Hons), HND, University of Greenwich and Canterbury Christ Church University
Class Teachers
Mrs E. Baker, BA (Hons), Canterbury Christ Church University
Miss L. Govey, BA (Hons), QTS, Canterbury Christ Church University
Mrs S. Jeavons, BA (Hons), University of Wales
Mr J. M. P. Killoran, BA (Hons), PGCE, Birmingham and Canterbury Christ Church Universities
Mrs L. MacDonald, BA (Hons), PGCSE, University of Wolverhampton and University of Sussex
Mrs J. Martin, BSc (Hons), University of Portsmouth
Miss J. Ocloo, BA (Hons), University of Chichester
Mr A. J. Parker-Bruce, BEd (Hons), University of Wolverhampton
Mrs R. Recardo, BA (Hons), Canterbury Christ Church University
Mrs O. Reynolds, BA (Hons), PGCE, Canterbury Christ Church University
Teacher of French
Mrs A. Hannaford, BA (Hons), PGCE, Staffordshire University
Class Teachers (Supply Cover)
Mrs A. Teague
Teaching Assistants
Mrs N. Bhat, BTEC Level 3
Mrs L. Bannayi
Mrs W. S. Black, NVQ Level 2
Mrs L. Burrows, City & Guilds Level 2
Miss Lisa Donnelly
Mrs H. L. Elvers, BSc (Hons)
Mrs C. Halmkan, NVQ Level 2 & 3
Mrs E. Harris
Mrs C. Hummel
Mrs C. Morgan
Mrs S. Whalin, OCR Level 2 & NVQ Level 3
Breakfast Club Supervisor
Mrs C. Halmkan, NVQ Level 2 & 3
After School Club Supervisor
Mrs H. Kaur, CACHE Level 3
Whole School
The Revd S. J. Padfield, MA (Hons), Bristol University
Combined Cadet Force Contingent Commander and Outdoor Learning
Major S. Short RE
Combined Cadet Force Royal Air Force Section Commander
Mr W. Pollard, BSc, MSc, Cranfield University
Wellbeing and Mental Health Coordinator
Mrs J. Bolton, BA (Hons), Bath College
School Nurse
Mr A. Greason, RGN, ENB, Bede College of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Brighton
Librarian (Senior School)
Mrs X. Guo, MA, Northwest Normal University, China
Learning Support
Head of Learning Support
Ms E. Walters, BA (Hons), PGCE, University of Cambridge, NASENCO, University of Hertfordshire and PAPAA, Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors
Assistant Head of Learning Support
Mrs M. Gower, BEd (Hons), NASENCO Canterbury Christ Church University and CPT3A, Middlesex University
Learning Support Teacher
Mrs C. Keep
Teacher of Learning Support
Mrs O. Fratczak, BA, Academy of Economics, Poland, Teacher Training Diploma (Modern Languages), Technical University, Poland, QTS
EAL Coordinator
Mrs C. McCabe
Houseparent of School House
Mrs J. Daniels
Houseparent of St Margaret’s House
Mrs J. Buckley
Music Department
Director of Music (Senior School)
Mr M. Price, MA, BA, PGCE, University of Cambridge
Director of Music (Pre-Preparatory and Preparatory School)
Mrs G. Nathan, MA, Dip. HE, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire of Music and Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance
Teacher of Music
Miss L. E. Roux, MMus, BMus, University of Cape Town and Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama
Music Events Administrator
Mrs A. Binney
Peripatetic Music Administrator
Mrs C. Hall, BSc, PGCE, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, Goldsmiths College University of London
Head of Woodwind
Mr G. Vinall, BA, LRAM, Colchester Institute
Teacher of Brass
Mr C. Barrett, BMus (Hons), Royal College of Music
Teacher of Singing
Miss E. Green, BMus (Hons), MA, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Royal Academy of Music
Mr M. Jamieson-Smith, ARCM, DipRCM, The Royal College of Music
Mr D. Moulton, BMus (Hons), Canterbury Christ Church University
Teacher of Piano
Mr J. Bennett, BMus (Hons), MMus, Royal Holloway University of London, Guildhall School of Music and Drama
Miss C. Hall, BSc (Hons), PGCE, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, Goldsmiths College University of London
Mrs B. Hanson, LTCL
Mrs K. Newby, LTCL, GTCL, Trinity College of Music
Mr J. Milone, Royal College of Music
Teacher of Violin and Viola
Mrs J. M. Hines, BA (Hons), PGCE, University of Southampton, Bulmershe College of Higher Education
Mr O. Nelson, BA (Hons), MMus, FRSM (ABRSM), Ph.D. Royal Academy of Music Open University, University of London
Mr J. Milone, Royal College of Music
Mrs J. Walland, LLCM, LTCL, London College of Music, Guildhall School of Music and Drama, Trinity College of Music
Teacher of Drum Kit and Tuned Percussion
Mr D. Holmes, BSc, BMus, M. Perf, University of Nottingham, King’s College London, Royal College of Music
Teacher of Flute
Mrs R. Jackson, LRAM, Royal Academy of Music
Teacher of Cello
Mr D. James, BMus (Hons), MA, Trinity College of Music, Guildhall School of Music and Drama
Teacher of Organ
Mr R. Carroll, BMusPerf, MMus, TU Dublin Conservatoire, Cologne Hochschule for Music and Dance
Teacher of Trumpet
Miss K. Boden, BA (Hons), LRAM, PGDip (RAM), University of Exeter, Royal Academy of Music
Teacher of Guitar
Mr D. Burtonshaw
Teacher of Horn
Mrs E. Wiggins, BMus (Hons), Royal Academy of Music
Sports Department
Whole School Director of Sport, Health and Fitness
Mr M. J. Hebden, BA (Hons), Lancaster University
Head of Girls Games (Preparatory School) and Head of Netball and Educational Visits
Administrator (Whole School)
Miss S. Pembroke BSc (Hons), HND, QTS, Nottingham Trent & University of Wales
Head of Rugby and Cricket
Mr J. Whitnell, MA, BA (Hons), University of Birmingham
Head of Football
Mr E. Everson, BSc, MA, Indiana Institute of College
Head of Rowing
Mr V. Piticariu, BA. The University of AL.I.Cuza lasi Romania
Head of Swimming and Navy Section Contingent Commander
Mrs A. C. Waite, BSc, Canterbury Christ Church University
Head of Hockey and Housemaster of Crick (Senior School)
Mr D. G. Taylor, BA (Hons), University of Chichester
Head of Outdoor Learning and Physical Education (EYFS, Key Stage 1 & 2)
Mrs H. Charles, BSc (Hons), PGCE, University College Chichester
Head of Athletic Development
Mr M. Grice, BSc, University of Bath
Teacher of Physical Education and Games
Mr G. Mitchell, BA, Sheffield University
Mrs K. Hooper, BA (Hons), University of Greenwich
Rowing Coach
Mr D. Trace, MEd, Manchester Metropolitan University
Mrs J. Salida-Howard
Sports Development Coach
Mr F. Stables
Graduate Sports Assistant
Miss K. McLean, BA (Hons), University of Stirling
Sports First Aider
Mrs S. Darby, RGN, RM, BA (Hons), Medway School of Nursing, Medway School of Midwifery, Kent Institute of Art and Design
Teacher of Ballet
Mrs L. Brownett, BSc (Hons), University of Kent
Drama Department
Director of Drama
Miss K. L. Hebden, BA (Hons), University of Newcastle, Hons Dip, Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
Teacher of Drama
Mr O. Bailey, BA (Hons), Anglia Ruskin University
LAMDA Teacher
Mrs R. Seale, BA (Hons) PGDip, Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts, Trinity College of Music London