Our school fees are charged a term in advance and reviewed annually.
Payment options:
School Fee Plan*
There is also the option to pay via a monthly direct debit over 12 months with the School Fee Plan. Please click the School Fee Plan image below that will take you through to their website for more information.
Fees in Advance
Fees in Advance can be accepted and a discount rate can be offered that is calculated by the Bursar. However, the School will continue to review fees on an annual basis and pass on any increases to advance fee payers. Therefore fees will not be ‘fixed’ by paying in advance.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please ring 01634 888555 or email fees@kings-rochester.co.uk
King’s School Rochester is an appointed representative of Premium Credit Limited which is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
*School Fee Plan is a trading style of Premium Credit Limited (company number 02015200).
2024-2025 Fees
- 5 days a week
- £3,040 per term
- Includes lunch 5 days per week
- 4 days a week
- £2,605 per term
- Includes lunch 4 days per week
- 3 days a week
- £1,990 per term
- Includes lunch 3 days per week
- 2 days a week
- £1,330 per term
- Includes lunch 2 days per week
King’s School Rochester does not offer free government-funded hours or accept childcare voucher payments.
To help us plan for effective levels of staffing, you must agree your child’s planned attendance in advance on the Nursery Session Booking Form. We regret that changes to reservations cannot be accommodated once the term has started. A term’s notice must be provided if you wish to change your child’s Nursery provision. Refunds cannot be made for absence through illness or any other reason.
- 4+ Reception
- £4,961 per term (incl VAT)
- Includes lunch 5 days per week
- 5+ Year 1
- £4,990 per term (incl VAT)
- Includes lunch 5 days per week
- 6+ Year 2
- £5,400 per term (incl VAT)
- Includes lunch 5 days per week
- 7+ Year 3
- £5,423 per term (incl VAT)
- Includes lunch 5 days per week
- 8+ Year 4
- £6,494 per term (incl VAT)
- Includes lunch 5 days per week
- 9+ Year 5
- £6,494 per term (incl VAT)
- Includes lunch 5 days per week
- 10+ Year 6
- £7,266 per term (incl VAT)
- Includes lunch 5 days per week
- 11+ Year 7
- £7,266 per term (incl VAT)
- Includes lunch 5 days per week
- 12+ Year 8
- £7,266 per term (incl VAT)
- Includes lunch 5 days per week
- 13+ Year 9 (Remove)
- £9,442 per term (incl VAT)
- 14+ Year 10 (Lower Fifth)
- £9,442 per term (incl VAT)
- 15+ Year 11 (Upper Fifth)
- £9,442 per term (incl VAT)
- 16+ Year 12 (Lower Sixth)
- £9,541 per term (incl VAT)
- 17+ Year 13 (Upper Sixth)
- £9,541 per term (incl VAT)
Senior School Lunches :
- Michaelmas Term £470.00
- Lent Term £390.00
- Midsummer Term £340.00
- Total: £1,200.00
Registration Fee – A non-refundable registration fee of £120 must accompany the Registration form when applying for a place at King’s School Rochester.
Entrance Deposit – A £1,000 day pupil entrance deposit is payable when a place is accepted. This deposit is refunded when the pupil leaves the School, but is forfeited if the parent decides not to take up the place after the entrance deposit is paid or does not give one term’s notice in writing. It is proposed upon leaving the School £100 will be allocated to the Old Roffensian Society to enable the pupil to be enrolled as a member in our alumni society. We will contact you before this payment of the remainder of the deposit is due, and encourage you to make a suggested donation to the Roffensian Foundation, our fundraising entity to support Roffensians past, present and future.
Payment of School Fees – A term’s fees are payable on or before the first day of each term. As a concession, fees may be paid over 12 instalments through School Fee Plan, by following the link above. The right is reserved to make late payment charges composed of interest calculated on a daily basis at 5% per annum over the base rate from the first day of term.
Withdrawal from the School: The agreement for the education of a pupil at the school may only be terminated by giving a FULL TERM’S NOTICE IN WRITING to the Principal, Headmaster or Headmistress. Notice must be given on or before the first day of the term failing which a term’s fees in lieu including lunches will be immediately due whether or not the place can be filled. Please refer to the School’s Standard Terms and Conditions for full details.
Optional Extras
Senior School pupils will be automatically charged for school lunches and for life membership fees for the Old Roffensian Society. These optional extras will be added to the first term’s invoice and parents must choose to opt out of any extras which they do not require.
Miscellaneous Charges
These are kept to a minimum and are mainly confined to:
- instrumental music tuition, SEN and EAL;
- for GCSE and A levels, where there are specific demands for additional materials eg in DT and Art, an additional charge may be made;
- charges for use of the School bus;
- some weekend activities for boarders will be recharged.
Instrumental Music Tuition
Individual Music lesson – Prep and Senior
£32.99 per half-hour lesson (incl VAT)
Individual Music lesson – Pre-Prep
£27.50 per 25-minute lesson (incl VAT)
Instrument Hire – Whole School
£34.75 per term
First Experience Programme – Pre-Prep only
A series of eight weekly 40-minute group instrumental lessons. All materials and instrument hire are included. Currently available for Brass (cornet), Drumming and Strings (violin and ‘cello).
£104.20 per eight lessons (incl VAT)
Activity Charges
After School Clubs (based on 10 sessions)
£121.91 per term (incl VAT)
LAMDA – Prep and Senior only
£36.00 per half hour lesson (incl VAT)
Educational Support
£36 per half hour lesson (incl VAT)
£36.00 per half hour lesson (incl VAT)
Clergy Remission – Children of Church of England Ministers and priests of a church in communion with the Church of England are given a means-tested reduction in fees.
Service Personnel Remission – King’s operates within the MoD scheme for Continuity of Education Allowance for boarding school pupils. Day places are also eligible for a Service remission which is calculated by means testing.
Sibling Remission – Where parents have three or more children at the School, a reduction for each after the second child is given, amounting to 10% of the third child’s fees, 20% for the fourth child and 40% for the fifth and subsequent children.
Boarding Pupil Fees
- 11+ Year 7 to Year 8
- £10,899 per term (incl VAT)
- 13+ – 15+ Remove to Upper Fifth (Year 9 – Year 11)
- £15,701 per term (incl VAT)
- 16+ – 18+ Lower Sixth to Upper Sixth (Year 12 – Year 13)
- £15,801 per term (incl VAT)
Flexi boarding pupils are temporary members of the boarding house. They stay over on certain nights a week and usually only for a short period of time, for example during public exams. They are allocated a specific bedroom for their time at the boarding house, but this may change at short notice.
£90 per night (Senior: Remove – Upper Sixth)
£84 per night (Prep: Year 7 & 8)
Occasional boarders are temporary members of the boarding house who wish to spend one night or more per week in boarding, or join the boarding house for a one-off extended stay. This is normally arranged with the registrar or bursar. They are not assigned a specific bedroom.
£90 per night (Senior: Remove – Upper Sixth)
£84 per night (Prep: Year 7 & 8)
Day boarders attend the appropriate house for the duration of first and second prep and dinner. They are collected by 9pm and not allocated a bedroom. If pupils are collected after 9pm, parents will be charged the occasional boarding fee.
£42 until 9pm (Senior: Remove – Upper Sixth)
£36 until 9pm (Prep: Year 7 & 8)
Trial boarding allows for a day pupil to come and experience the boarding house for one night with a view to joining the boarding house on a more permanent basis.
FREE OF CHARGE (for one night)
Any change of boarding arrangements needs to be confirmed in writing to the registrar with appropriate notice before it can be authorised.
Registration Fee – A non-refundable registration fee of £120 must accompany the Registration form when applying for a place at King’s School Rochester.
Entrance Deposit – An entrance deposit is payable when a place is accepted. This deposit is refunded when the pupil leaves the School but is forfeited if the parent decides not to take up the place after the entrance deposit is paid or does not give one written term’s notice.
UK Boarders Entrance Deposit: £1,000
International Boarders Entrance Deposit: One Term’s Fees
Payment of School Fees – A term’s fees are payable on or before the first day of each term. As a concession, fees may be paid over 12 instalments through School Fee Plan, by following the link above. The right is reserved to make late payment charges composed of interest calculated on a daily basis at 5% per annum over the base rate from the first day of term.
Withdrawal from the School: The agreement for the education of a pupil at the school may only be terminated by giving a FULL TERM’S NOTICE IN WRITING to the Principal, Headmaster or Headmistress. Notice must be given on or before the first day of the term failing which a term’s fees in lieu including lunches will be immediately due whether or not the place can be filled. Please refer to the School’s Standard Terms and Conditions for full details.
Visa Guidance: International pupils will require a visa in order to study full-time in the UK. King’s School Rochester is a Tier 4 Sponsor. Any applicants who would like King’s School Rochester to sponsor their visa application may be asked for an advance payment of fees before a CAS licence will be issued to ensure sufficient funds criteria are met. For further information on UK visas, please click here.
Optional Extras
Senior School pupils will be automatically charged for school lunches and for life membership fees for the Old Roffensian Society. These optional extras will be added to the first term’s invoice and parents must choose to opt out of any extras which they do not require.
Miscellaneous Charges
These are kept to a minimum and are mainly confined to:
- instrumental music tuition, SEN and EAL;
- for GCSE and A levels, where there are specific demands for additional materials eg in DT and Art, an additional charge may be made;
- charges for use of the School bus;
- some weekend activities for boarders will be recharged.
Instrumental Music Tuition
Individual Music lesson – Prep and Senior
£32.99 per half-hour lesson (incl VAT)
Instrument Hire – Whole School
£34.75 per term
Activity Charges
After School Clubs (based on 10 sessions)
£121.91 per term (incl VAT)
LAMDA – Prep and Senior only
£36.00 per half hour lesson (incl VAT)
Educational Support
£36.00 per half hour lesson (incl VAT)
£36.00 per half hour lesson (incl VAT)
CAS Sponsorship
Pupils that require sponsorship to study with us may be asked for advanced payment of fees before a CAS will be issued to ensure sufficient fund criteria is met. Our charge for issuing a CAS is £120.00
Clergy Remission – Children of Church of England Ministers and priests of a church in communion with the Church of England are given a means-tested reduction in fees.
Service Personnel Remission – King’s operates within the MoD scheme for Continuity of Education Allowance for boarding school pupils. Day places are also eligible for a Service remission which is calculated by means testing.
Sibling Remission – Where parents have three or more children at the School, a reduction for each after the second child is given, amounting to 10% of the third child’s fees, 20% for the fourth child and 40% for the fifth and subsequent children.
Before & After School Care Fees
Before School Care
£10.10 per session 07:30 – 08:45
Includes breakfast for pupils arriving before 08:10
After School Care
£8.15 per hour 15:30 – 17:30
£13.35 per hour 17:30 – 18:30
Includes a hot supper for pupils staying after 17:30
Please note that late picks up after 18:30 will be charged at £31.30 per 10 minutes.
Before School Care
£6.65 per session 07:30 – 08:10
Pupils should arrive in Prep School Yard at 07:25
Includes breakfast for pupils arriving by 07:30
After School Care
£13.40 per hour 17:30 – 18:30
Includes a hot supper for pupils
Please note that late pick ups after 18:30 will charged at £31.30 per 10 minutes.
King’s Rochester Bank Details
National Westminster Bank Plc, Chatham Branch
Account Number 55110592
Sort Code 60-17-36
IBAN GB90NWBK60173655110592
Reference PUPIL NAME