Frequently Asked Questions
What types of scholarships are available at King’s School Rochester?
Scholarships for pupils with a proven talent in Sport, Music, Drama, Art or Academic Attainment are available to internal and external pupils entering Year 7, Remove (Year 9) and Lower Sixth (Year 12).
What is the difference between a scholarship and a bursary?
Scholarships are made available for pupils with a proven talent in Sport, Music, Drama, Art or Academic Attainment.
Bursaries are means-tested financial support to pupils who otherwise would be unable to attend King’s School Rochester.
Do I receive a discount on the School fees if I am awarded a scholarship?
The value of our scholarship awards is usually worth a percentage of the tuition fees, determined without regard to parental income. Typically, the awards represent 10 per cent of day fees, but they can be up to 30 per cent at the discretion of the Principal, and up to 50 per cent for outstanding scholars.
Can I receive a scholarship and a bursary?
Yes. Bursaries are income-assessed and may be offered in addition to the award of a scholarship.
Why should I apply for a scholarship?
Scholarships are awarded based on having a proven talent in a particular field and being selected for a scholarship signifies recognition for your hard work, skills and abilities. A scholarship not only gives you a reduction in tuition fees, our bespoke scholarship programmes offer benefits and mentoring for each discipline. Benefits for each scholarship are outlined in our scholarship booklet and on our website, please click here for more details.
Scholarships can bolster your CV and make you stand out in a very competitive job market. Employers often value candidates who have received scholarships as it demonstrates their dedication, commitment and ability to excel.
What do I need to do to be awarded a scholarship?
The requirements for each scholarship are available in our scholarship booklet and on our website, please click here for more details. Select the area you are interested in from the drop down menu on the Scholarships page and it will list the key requirements for that particular discipline.
What’s the difference between a major scholarship and a minor scholarship?
Your level of ability or aptitude will decide what level of scholarship you are awarded.
A minor scholarship provides valuable recognition and support to pupils pursuing their educational goals. A major scholarship is awarded based on exceptional talent, where pupils demonstrate outstanding potential.
How do I apply for a scholarship?
To receive an application form, please contact the Head of Admissions, Sue Webb, on 01634 888590 or email
Is being a scholar a lot of extra work?
Scholars are expected continually to develop their talent and ability, show enthusiasm for everything they do, and therefore encourage other pupils to follow their lead and do the same.
Scholars are expected to support at School events associated with their scholarship discipline, along with attending events outside of School to further their learning and talent.
Scholars must also be exemplars of behaviour around the School or when representing the School.
What are the benefits of being a scholar?
Not only are you given lots of opportunities to motivate and encourage your individual talents, you will also benefit from having dedicated support from the Director of the department to mentor and coach you. This will contribute to your personal growth and help build valuable skills for future endeavours.
Specific benefits for each scholarship can be found in our scholarship booklet and on our website, please click here for more details.
Can you apply for more than one scholarship?
Yes, as long as all criteria is met.
What happens if an applicant is awarded more than one scholarship by King’s School Rochester?
Where more than one scholarship is awarded to a pupil then the applicable remission will be compounded. Parents will receive a percentage reduction in fees which is equal to the highest award only.
How do I know if I am eligible to apply?
The criteria for each scholarship is available in our scholarship booklet and on our website, please click here for more details. Select the area you are interested in from the drop down menu on the Scholarships page and it will list the key requirements for that particular discipline.
When should I apply for a scholarship?
If you would like to apply for a scholarship, we strongly recommend you come along to our Scholarship Information Evening on Monday 16 October. After this event, we will start accepting scholarship applications until Friday 1 December.
What do I submit with my application?
The requirements for each scholarship are available in our scholarship booklet and on our website, please click here for more details. Select the area you are interested in from the drop down menu on the Scholarships page and it will list the key requirements for that particular discipline.
Can I get help with my scholarship application?
If you are unsure of how to complete the scholarship application form or prepare a portfolio, please ask your current teachers or an external coach for advice.
Should you still have any questions, please contact the Head of Admissions, Sue Webb, on 01634 888590 or email
What happens as part of the application process?
Once you have applied, our Head of Admissions will contact you to confirm if you have been put forward to the next stage of the application process.
The scholarship assessments will be held week commencing 22 January 2024 with the outcome for each applicant confirmed via email on Friday 9 February 2024.
When will King’s confirm if I’ve received a scholarship?
Friday 9 February 2024.
Will I be a scholar until I leave King’s?
Your scholarship status is reviewed at the end of every academic year to ensure that you are meeting the criteria for that discipline.
What happens if I leave the School?
As with our standard terms and conditions, a term’s notice will need to be provided to avoid fees in lieu being applied to the account.
Where a scholar has not given one term’s notice to leave, the full fee amount for the term of notice would be charged in lieu without the scholarship discount.
In what circumstances could I lose my scholarship status?
If you are no longer meeting the criteria and duties of a scholar or you have engaged in serious misconduct or been expelled or removed for reasons of misconduct, your scholarship status will be removed.
If your question has not been answered above, please contact our Admissions team on 01634 888590 or email