The department enters students for the IGCSE in Mathematics, a core subject.
This is offered at two levels; Foundation and Higher. Students are entered at a level appropriate to their ability.
The IGCSE Higher tier
• Provides an excellent opportunity for Higher level students to establish a solid base for further study of the subject in the Sixth Form
The IGCSE Foundation tier
• Grades up to 5 available which may suit those not wanting to study A-level mathematics over the higher tier
The assessment consists of two written examination papers, each carrying 50% weighting and two hours long. Calculators are expected to be used in both papers. Both the board and I recommend the Casio 991ex Classwhiz model. Recent changes in the curriculum place more emphasis upon problem solving skills.
Examination Board: Edexcel (International)
Specification: 4MA0
Mr P. Stevens – Head of Mathematics