Design & Technology continues to be an extremely popular subject at GCSE. The course requires students to demonstrate fully their design & technology capability; they need to combine manufacturing skills with technological knowledge and understanding in order to design and make high quality products.
The Specification aims to:
- foster students’ individual flair, creativity, initiative, self-motivation and spirit of enterprise
- help pupils apply strategies for developing ideas, planning and producing products
- give pupils opportunities to develop practical abilities and the confidence to design, make and modify products and systems for identified purposes, selecting and using resources effectively
- encourage the use of information technology, computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing
- enable pupils to consider the social, economic and environmental impact of technological activity
- encourage critical and aesthetic abilities, enabling pupils to evaluate design and technological activity, their own and that of others, in context of an identified need
Scheme of Assessment:
Coursework 50% (internally assessed): Designing and Making
Pupils will research, design, make and evaluate one complete product for internal assessment and external moderation. They will also develop and practice the application of particular skills and knowledge through focused activities.
Written examination 50% (1 hour 45 mins)
The paper includes calculations, short-open and open-response questions, as well as extended writing questions focused on:
Analysis and evaluation of design decisions and outcomes, against a technical principal, for prototypes
Analysis and evaluation of wider issues in design technology, including social, moral, ethical and environmental impacts
Pupils must answer all questions in section A, which is the core
Pupils must choose one specialism in section B – either Metals, Polymers or Timbers
Pupils should have a real interest in designing, making and evaluating and be prepared to use skills developed in other subjects (particularly Mathematics, English, Science, ICT and Art).
Visits will be arranged to museums and galleries as required. Pupils should be keen, well-motivated and enthusiastic about coursework and willing to work after school to meet project deadlines.
Examination Board: Edexcel
Specification: 2RMOI
Mr J. Johnson – Head of Design & Technology