Latest NEWS
With such an abundance of talent, there is always something exciting happening at King’s.
The General Knowledge “season” is now drawing to a climax, with successes for some of the individuals and teams. In [...]
Reception had an incredible trip to the Discover Story Centre in Stratford on Monday where they immersed themselves in [...]
On Wednesday, Year 2 took part in a Great Fire of London workshop. This involved completing various challenges and [...]
This week a team of school ensembles, pupils and professional musicians came together to record 11 very different pupil [...]
This year we hosted the Kent Hub for the National Junior Indoor Rowing Championship that took place online. There [...]
Thank you to Alex (U5) for leading the hymn-singing and performing musical pieces on the Rochester Cathedral organ at our [...]
The Upper Sixth A Level Music pupils gave their recitals this week in front of an audience of parents, [...]
Our rowing team participated in an exciting indoor rowing competition last week, competing against 12 schools. Every team member put [...]
In the week the Eco Council celebrated its first birthday, two members, Harris L (L6) and Malik N, (L6) reflected [...]