Drama and Theatre aims to promote enjoyment and interest in drama and theatre both as a participant and as an informed member of an audience. The A level subject extends the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to communicate through drama and theatre, and develops an understanding and appreciation of the significance of social, cultural and historical influences on the development of drama and theatre. The pupil experiences a range of opportunities to develop a variety of dramatic and theatrical skills, enabling pupils to grow creatively and imaginatively in both devised and scripted work and provides a worthwhile and complete course of study that broadens experience, develops imagination, fosters creativity and promotes personal and social development through the exploration of drama.
Summary of Assessment
Component 1: Devising
Non-examination assessment 40% of the qualification 80 marks
- Devise an original performance piece.
- Use one key extract from a performance text and a theatre practitioner as stimuli.
- Centre choice of text and practitioner.
- Performer or designer routes available.
Component 2: Text in Performance
Non-examination assessment 20% of the qualification 60 marks
- A group performance/design realisation of one key extract from a performance text.
- A monologue or duologue performance/design realisation from one key extract from a different performance text.
- Centre choice of performance texts
Component 3: Theatre Makers in Practice
Written examination: 2 hours 30 minutes 40% of the qualification 80 marks
- Live theatre evaluation – choice of performance.
- Practical exploration and study of a complete performance text – focusing on how this can be realised for performance.
- Practical exploration and interpretation of another complete performance text, in light of a chosen theatre practitioner – focusing on how this text could be reimagined for a contemporary audience.
- Centre choice of 15 performance texts .
- Choice of eight practitioners
Examination Board: Edexcel
Specification: A level Drama and Theatre
Miss K. Hebden, Head of Drama