Latest NEWS
With such an abundance of talent, there is always something exciting happening at King’s.
Our budding journalists in the Prep School newspaper club have been busy producing their first newsletter summarising all of the [...]
Last summer, 24 Senior school pupils and four members of staff, visited to schools in Kenya and Tanzania. Thanks to [...]
We now have a Whole School Eco Council, with representatives across all schools, The Eco Council is already making an [...]
On Tuesday, the Senior and Prep schools celebrated the start of term with our Epiphany service. Epiphany celebrates the arrival [...]
Our talented pupil organists, Alex M and Alex S, welcomed the congregation into the magnificent Rochester Cathedral, opening what [...]
There was a bit of a snowy surprise on the Pre-Prep playground on the last day of term. Children [...]
The annual Boarders Christmas dinner took place this week, a tradition dating back to Victorian times. The boys hosted [...]
Friends and family of Prep School pupils were treated to an evening of singing, dancing and music-making with lots of [...]
Nursery and Reception children were so excited to take part in their nativity, Whoops-a-Daisy Angel. The performance took place [...]