Imagine you could spend time at school studying something that you alone are interested in and which would give you a great advantage in university preparation. You have just imagined the Extended Project Qualification. The project can take the form of an extended essay, artefact or a science project – the choice is yours. You will learn advanced research and study skills, have an individual Supervisor to guide and support you, and you will make a special presentation to an invited audience.
What do you have to do?
• Choose an area of interest
• Draft a title and aims of the project for formal approval
• Plan, research and carry out the project
• Deliver a presentation to a specified audience
• Provide evidence of all stages of project development and production for assessment
You will develop the research and study skills expected at undergraduate level. This is achieved through a programme of study taught by a team of teachers and lesson time will be allocated in the timetable. Once you have chosen your project you will then work with a Supervisor and Subject Mentor who will oversee your project. You will have to make time to do it properly, but it has many benefits.
Why complete an EPQ?
You will gain breadth and depth in a self-motivated study, which is good for you and will greatly improve your opportunities with better universities. Secondly you will study independently, a key requirement for university life. It shows you are organised and motivated and that you have not just memorised your teacher’s notes.
In addition, you will be able to match candidates with the International Baccalaureate and the tens of thousands of others who have shown themselves capable of this breadth and depth of study.
What is it worth?
The EPQ is worth half the points of an A level and it is possible to achieve an A*. It is, in effect, your fourth subject, spread over four terms.
Mrs N. Gould – EPQ Co-ordinator