A level in Art and Design consists of two components following either Fine Art or Graphic Communication. These components are teacher-assessed and externally moderated by Edexcel.

For each component pupils produce a portfolio of development work and finalised outcomes in a response to a theme. Throughout, pupils generate and develop ideas, research primary and contextual sources, record practical and written observations, experiment with media and processes, and refine ideas.

The components are as follows:

Component 1: Personal Investigation (coursework)

60% of the qualification

Theme: Pupils devise their own theme
Duration: 4 terms

Component 1 also includes a Personal Study, which will be evidenced through critical written communication showing contextual research and understanding in a minimum 1,000 words of illustrated continuous prose. The Personal Study comprises 12% of the total qualification.

Component 2: Externally Set Assignment (examination)

40% of the qualification

Theme: Externally set
• Preparatory studies: throughout the Lent term
• Examination: 15 hours (over two days) taking place early in the Midsummer term

Examination Board: Edexcel
Specification: 9FA0/9GC0

Mr A Robson – Head of Art & Design