Latest NEWS
With such an abundance of talent, there is always something exciting happening at King’s.
Neil Jones the Tower Captain for Rochester Cathedral and the Current Chairman of the KCACR (Kent County Association of [...]
On Thursday, Mrs Epsom’s Remove group had the opportunity to take part in a creative writing workshop led by [...]
Pupils studying classics visited the British Museum which provided a fascinating insight into the theme of civilisation over barbarism, particularly [...]
Over the half term break, a delegation from King’s attended the Alleyn's International Model United Nations Conference (AIMUN). This [...]
In commemoration of LGBTQ+ History month pupils learnt about Fredy Hirsch in a chapel address. A new novel by Wendy [...]
Members of the cast of “Oh What a Lovely War” travelled to the Somme battlefields during the half-term break. [...]
We are delighted that King’s School Rochester has been awarded the Good Future Foundation’s AI Quality Mark at Bronze [...]
On Tuesday we had the privilege of hosting a remarkable talk for Pre-Prep and Prep pupils by the acclaimed [...]
The Governors of King’s School Rochester are delighted to announce the appointment of Mr Simon Fisher as the next Principal [...]
Today, and aptly on St Valentine’s Day, pupils and staff took part in non-uniform day with some opting to [...]